
Mission Statement

This website is my portfolio, and also a place where I can share my passion for different topics that interest me. I believe that having a website like this will allow me to have an audience that would be more likely to understand the things I’m discussing. This website will be my avenue of expression, and so the contents of the blog posts will most likely not be isolated to a single topic, but will span a broad range of nerdy and exciting things!

What does Hoshiningen mean?

Hoshiningen is a name I’ve been using for a while, and originates from the Yu-Gi-Oh card by the same name. The card’s effect was significant to me during the time because of the whole ‘strengening-your-allies-while-fighting-evil’ had that paladin-esque holy warrior feel to it. What isn’t cooler than that?

How to Contact

My contact information is on the left side of the window, where the author profile is displayed. In addition, there is a comments section under every blog post. I welcome all feedback and discussion!